Trade Events
Extenda and Augeo International IT London Event September 2018
It’s a perfect opportunity to meet 1-2-1 with company owners and developers in a relaxed, informative environment and to network with both your industry peers and potential new customers. Register your interest with today
Destination Africa Ready Made garments, Textiles and Home Textiles Trade fair. Cairo, November 2018
In its third edition, Destination Africa 2018 will take place this November 17-19, 2018 at the Royal Maxim Palace Kempinski Hotel in Cairo. The 3-day event will open its exhibition doors on the 17th – 18th and will host an International conference with leading expertise on the 19th. It is the event of the year to source Readymade Garments, Textiles and Home Textiles from the new frontier: Africa.
Indonesia Coffee Growers Trade Mission to Ireland 2017
Growers participating 11
Total meetings booked 114
Number of meetings that took place 109
The average number of meetings per participant 9.9
Number of different buyer companies attending 28
The average number of of participating companies seen by each buyer 5.5
Number of in-country follow up meetings booked 7
Satisfaction rate of participants 93%
Independent Light Engineering Trade Mission, Italy July 2015
Companies participating 9
Total meetings booked 162
Number of meetings that took place 155
Average number of meetings per participant 17.2
Number of different buyers/companies attending 26
Average number of participating companies seen by each buyer 6
Number of requests for quotation/samples following meetings 43
Number of in-country follow up appointments booked 14
Satisfaction rating of participating companies (8 criteria – 9 respondents) 94.2%
Satisfaction rating of buyers/companies attending (5 criteria – 17 respondents) 96.1%
Enterprise Mauritius Textile & Apparel Trade Mission to Scandinavia November 2014
In association with Enterprise Mauritius Copernicus organised a 4 centre trade promotion visit to Scandinavia. During this highly successful mission (7 companies, 44 buying companies, 147 1-2-1 meetings, 96.3% participant satisfaction feedback).
Estonian IT delegation visits UK market for the first time – December 2013
Copernicus International Consulting in association with Enterprise Estonia and Gateway Baltic have organized meetings with potential UK trade partners in a 3-day visit to the UK.
The companies involved (see list below) are all specialists in their field and bring with them new ideas and the potential for outsourced cost savings to UK businesses.
Sales Development
Phergal Pharmaceuticals enter the UK market 2017
Leading Spanish cosmetic and pharmaceutical company expands their market presence in the UK via an increase in their distribution network facilitated by a Copernicus market entry project. Brands such as E’loifexir and Atashi Celluar cosmetics are now increasingly available to the UK public thanks to this initiative.
Elisa Live Introduced to the UK market – June 2015
The Elisa Corporation from Finland (1.5 Billion Euro sales, 2 million customers worldwide, see ) has launched a new product/service called Elisa Live (see supported by Copernicus
Pechkeks launches in the UK with Copernicus – September 2014
The Pechkek Misfortune Cookie which was introduced to the UK for the first time at the Speciality & Fine Food Fair.
What makes it good? Well, the taste – it’s crisp, not at all dry, high-quality organic ingredients. The colour – Pechkeks are black
The concept – It’s unique. A Pech is a German imp or mischievous gremlin. The humour in the cookie and the brand imagery reflect that – dry, sardonic wit that met with a fantastic response in the UK field research.
It’s a collection – there are a number of Pechkeks – in a box of 13 at least 4 variations as you can see from the illustration, so at a dinner party they provide a talking point in respect of the individual Pech, and of course, there are a whole host of sayings inside, again no two ever the same in a single box.
Copernicus International Takes Ground Breaking Australian Body Of Work™ Worldwide
A breakthrough for an Australian print product to be exported to worldwide markets
One of the oldest and most respected graphic design companies has joined with a leading International Marketing Consultancy to launch the Multi-Award winning Body of Work™ Photographic Collection into the Global Markets.
Copernicus Connecting Markets – Case Studies
Connecting Norway to Canada
Timber kit buildings/Norway
The company offers authentic Scandinavian designed houses, barns and accessories for self-build projects.
Copernicus evaluated the Canadian market entry opportunity for the company. The building and remodelling boom in Canada revealed a market niche for the company and its unique product offerings.
Introduce the company’s product to Canada in a stylish manner which communicates authenticity and originality of use for residential and commercial applications.
Create a web site featuring impactful graphic displays and detailed product information that reflected the company’s Scandinavian origins.
Develop marketing, advertising, and communications effort to generate interest among the target audiences (contractors, architects, interior designers, real estate developers and consumers) and direct them to the web site.
Implementation: Copernicus executed a targeted trade and consumer advertising campaign supported by public relations to create awareness and direct the audience(s) to the web site and generate inquiries.
Results: The marketing campaign generated thousands of hits on the web site and generated a quality database of 100+ Canadian contractors, architects, interior designers, real estate developers and consumers.
In addition to Canadian editorial coverage, our public relations efforts resulted in various European publications covering the Company’s Canadian market entry which was valued at over $25,000 in media coverage.
Connecting the UK to the USA
Household soft furnishings/UK
Founded in the 19th century, our client is one of the most famous marques for filled products and household textiles in England, Europe, and around the world.
Copernicus conducted a market evaluation to explore the viability of the client exporting down-filled products to the US. We discovered the US comforter market is dominated by the less expensive synthetic products but category growth was found in the down segment. The analysis revealed that current pricing, competitive product dynamics and an innovative distribution strategy presented a genuine opportunity for our client to strongly consider a US market entry program.
Introduce client down-filled products to the US market.
Exploit existing consumer perception that European goods are well-crafted, high-quality products. Using American consumer preference for high-quality household furnishings, communicate benefits and imagery of owning a genuine English comforter.
Client to build on initial market entry and consider product development for wider US entry based on customer feedback from the initial 12 months.
Connecting Belgium to UAE
Gourmet Chocolates/ Belgium
The client has a unique process that adds real wine to chocolate to produce non-liqueur chocolates with authentic wine flavours such as shiraz, merlot and pinot noir.
UAE is a challenging retail environment with leading brands from around the world fighting to be part of the success story. The client, in wishing to enter the UAE market, engaged Copernicus to carry out a pre-market assessment study on which to base their market entry strategy. Copernicus conducted a market analysis, an opportunity assessment, and evaluated the competitor’s product offering, pricing, and routes to market.
Introduce the client into the market within a 6-month timeframe. In doing so establish a potential sales pipeline that would demonstrate a short term return on investment in line with agreed targets.
In the short term to identify and work with established retailers to allocate store space to our client. Subsequently to introduce the client to suitable hotel and hospitality partners to obtain in-house concessions and to make our client’s product the accompaniment of choice, white labelled per customer, for events and occasions such as conferences.
Copernicus introduced the company to retail buyers, distributors and hotel management through our established network of contacts. The unique aspect of the client’s chocolates was emphasised as this was seen as a key element in a market where differentiation is becoming increasingly difficult as investment budgets for competing parties seem virtually limitless.
Sales in year one exceeded 15% of targets. The client realized its objective of entering the UAE market and is now continuing to work with Copernicus with the aim of developing a specific range for the UAE in line with customer feedback with the intention of growing sales by over 200% in the next 24 months.
Connecting the USA to Germany
Z wear is an innovative baby care product created and launched by company founder Natasha Rocha in upstate New York in 2004. Natasha has a background in creative design and developed her range after the birth of her first child when she was unsatisfied with the various baby slings and associated products on the market. Once established she started to look further afield and was referred to Copernicus by a former colleague. “there was nothing quite like my range available in Europe that I could find, but how to sell there? On a strong recommendation, we undertook a preliminary market research project covering the EU in general. This then narrowed down to Germany where Copernicus introduced us to our first international distributor. We now ship to Germany every month and will be looking to replicate the success there as we work with Copernicus to identify additional markets in the very near future”.
Connecting Turkey to UK
NL is an engineering company based in Ankara, Turkey. In 2005 Copernicus was commissioned to find a UK partner with whom they could make a strategic alliance which would enable them to enter the market. Özen Aslan, CEO said of Copernicus that “I would not have believed that within 4 years we would export over €1M to the UK in just 12 months. When we first tried to enter the market it seemed impossible. Through Copernicus, we began to understand what the market needed from us in terms of specification, price and delivery. This was very demanding for our R&D but we survived and now have two extremely valuable partners who cover the whole of the UK and Ireland between them. Our next focus will be mainland EU where again we will ask for the experts at Copernicus to guide our efforts”
Connecting South Africa to USA
Vineyard / South Africa
The client company has been established over 100 years and is well known in its domestic market and also has some export success to Europe. Using grapes from their own vineyards they produce a range of Bomvu and Ifula African wines. In previous years they have attempted, but have never been able to establish, a foothold in the US market.
This is an extremely competitive market where many have tried and failed to make any significant inroads against either the domestic US producers or established will known labels. The client, in wishing to enter the US market, engaged Copernicus to carry out a pre-market assessment study on which to base their market entry strategy. Copernicus conducted a market analysis, an opportunity assessment, and evaluated the company’s and similar sized competitor’s product offering, pricing, and retail distribution patterns. It was concluded that to be successful the client must build on the ethnicity of the brand and promote the quality end of the range.
Introduce the African range as a brand associated with the wildlife and traditions of the continent of origin. In doing so establish a distribution route that would demonstrate a first-year return of investment in line with agreed targets.
Position the client with ethnic brands and in locations complimentary to the offer as a quality, affordable wine alternative to better known Australian, New Zealand or European wines. Communicate through trade advertising and promotion to the target consumer market that this was a wine to be enjoyed anytime any pace by discerning wine drinkers who desired value for money and were open minded to new experiences.
Copernicus worked with the company to create a multi-media and Web 2.0 campaign that compelled initial buy-in and returned high profit margins for the client and sales that exceeded 200% of year one targets
The client realized its objective of entering the US market entry and is now continuing to work with Copernicus with the aim of generating incremental sales revenue.
Connecting South Korea to Canada
Soft Drink / South Korea
Client company has been very successful in their domestic market with a new rang of Aloe Vera based drinks.
This is an extremely competitive market where brand awareness and shelf position are paramount to volume sales through any retail channel. The client, in wishing to enter the US market, engaged Copernicus to carry out a pre-market assessment study on which to base their market entry strategy. Copernicus conducted a market analysis, an opportunity assessment, and evaluated the company’s and similar sized competitor’s product offering, pricing, and retail distribution patterns.
Introduce the range to establish a distribution route that would demonstrate a first year return of investment in line with agreed targets.
Position the client with health awareness brands and in locations complimentary to the offer as a quality, affordable alternative to better known “health” drinks. In the particular lead with the “hangover tea” product which we are reliably informed is a liver remedy which also cures hangovers before they start if consumed ahead of the alcohol overindulgence. Communicate through trade advertising and promotion to the target consumer market that this is a drink for the health-conscious and introduce further products from the range (Aloe King Coffee, Juices and Teas) as uptake increases.
Implementation: Copernicus worked with the company to create a multi-media and Web 2.0 campaign that compelled initial buy-in and returned high-profit margins for the client and sales that exceeded 80% of year one targets
Copernicus worked with the company to create a multi-media and Web 2.0 campaign that compelled initial buy-in and returned high-profit margins for the client and sales that exceeded 200% of year one targets
The client realized its objective of entering the Canadian market and is now continuing to work with Copernicus with the aim of generating incremental sales revenue.
Connecting South Africa to Italy
Solar Lighting / South Africa
Specialist manufacturers of solar products from lighting, solar home systems, fridges, freezers, mosquito killing machine to cookers. Affordable solar-powered products.
The client had experiences on-line demand from various South European markets for their range of products but had neither the linguistic competencies, contact network nor an understanding of the businesses culture to a level where they could build an export market.
Identify any barriers to entry. Introduce the company’s product to potential distributors in a cost effective manner.
Having identified the competitors, benchmarked their offer and routes to market it was agreed that potential volume users would be contacted, their level of interest gauged and the product introduced in Southern Italy to wholesalers and distributors who had the most extensive sales networks.
Potential distributors and re-sellers were contacted to gauge their level of interest in the entire product range, and from this research to define what was to become the South European market entry offer.
A network of 12 showrooms has been established within the first 2 months since market entry. Showroom display stock is heavily subsidised y the client, and sales satisfied from via regional fulfilment partner.
The company has since developed a multilingual website and is working with Copernicus on the Spanish and Greek markets
Connecting Australia to Russia
Macadamia Nuts / Australia
Macadamia nuts and associated products.
Macadamia nut exports to Russia are virtually zero, yet in 2006 over 40,000 tons were produced in Australia and exports to new markets are growing. As consumerism in Russia continues to develop surely there must be a place for this “high end” nut and derivative products at the tables of the more affluent Russians.
Identify any barriers to entry, and which products or derivatives would be ideal launch products and through which channels or partners.
Having identified the alternative suppliers and their products, benchmarked their offer and routes to market it was agreed that potential volume users would be contacted, their level of interest gauged and the results from the research would form the basis of the product launch at the 2007 Moscow fine food trade fair.
Potential distributors and retailers were invited to taste firsthand the nuts baked, grilled, ground, salted, baked into bread or served as an aperitif alongside traditional vodka or French Champagne.
Negotiations over subsequent months have resulted in the appointment of regional distributors in Moscow and St. Petersburg. 2008 year sales will exceed pre-agreed target by over 20%.
Connecting UK to France
Marinades / UK
Company is a second-generation family business based South London with 12 staff that offers authentic Mexican marinades in hot, hickory smoke and original flavours for use in domestic cooking. In the UK they sell on-line, through regional distributors and have a limited range available in one national supermarket chain as of 2008.
France is of course world-famous for its gastronomic and culinary expertise and has a reputation for shunning ready meals and cooking short cuts. Copernicus evaluated the French market entry opportunity for the company to ascertain if this was the appropriate first export market and to quantify the opportunities and investment required to achieve market penetration.
Introduce the company’s product to France in a cost-effective manner which can then be replicated in subsequent markets.
Having identified the competitors, benchmarked their offer and routes to market it was agreed that regional distributors, cash and carry’s and symbol groups would be the focus of the initial partnering efforts. A dual-language web site featuring useful recipes and helpful advice was created that reflected the company’s unique position.
Make direct contact with the buyers and where necessary outlet managers to introduce the products and to create meetings at which the client can best present their marinades and the potential additional sales opportunities to the buyers.
Connecting Finland to Canada
Ornamental Glass manufacturer/ Finland
The client has been established for 5 years and employs just 15 skilled personnel in a very modern production facility on the outskirts of Helsinki. The client specialise in high quality coloured glass processing for architectural and furniture products. The company has some export success in Scandinavia, but following a trade mission to Canada believed that there could be a niche market for their high end ducts.
Canada is an architecturally diverse market with many multi-cultural influences. The client, in wishing to enter the Canadian market, engaged Copernicus to carry out a pre-market assessment study on which to base their market entry strategy. Copernicus conducted a market analysis, an opportunity assessment, and evaluated the company’s and similar sized domestic competitor’s product offering, pricing, and routes to market.
Introduce the client into the market at a low risk, limited capital exposure strategy. In doing so establish a sales pipeline that would demonstrate a first-year return of investment in line with agreed targets.
Partner the client with established Canadian designers, architects and property developers to specify the client’s products as an integral part of their design work. In this way, a niche market was created a steady stream of new project work and enquiries developed for the client.
Copernicus worked with the company to create market awareness of the client’s capabilities by identifying Canadian companies who were involved in small scale projects “with a difference”. The client’s ability to produce intricate, individual designs, made to measure with a 99.9% first-time delivery accuracy and a rapid delivery system despite the distances involved has endeared them to their customers.
Results: Sales in year one exceeded 18% of targets, and year two over 66% demonstrating a more than an acceptable return on their investment with Copernicus and the export to Canada connecting markets service. The client realized its objective of entering the Canadian market and is now continuing to work with Copernicus with the aim of generating further sales revenue and new opportunities in additional markets.
Connecting Tunisia to Italy
Electronic components/ Tunisia
The client manufacturers a high-quality array of capacitors, sensors. Protection devices and inductors.
Northern Italy is widely recognised as a major European manufacturing hub. Suppliers worldwide compete at all levels of the value chain to be involved in the output of a huge variety of high-quality equipment.
Introduce the client into the market as a first or second-tier supplier. Build a business case for market entry that will demonstrate a clear return on investment in line with agreed targets.
Benchmark the competitors and ascertain levels of demand and price points at various possible entry points to the value chain. Assist in the creation of dual-language sales support material and presentations that will present the client as a professional international business who is serious about the market. Through contacts in regional chambers of commerce and industry, bodies identify the potential buyers and introduce the client products.
From the market, intelligence gained it was clear that additional R&D work would have to be undertaken to meet local standards and requirements. Gaining input from potential customers assisted this process, and in turn, led to the buy-in of the redeveloped products.
Sales in year one failed to achieve expectations, but in year 2 sales of 380, 000 Tunisian Dinar (€197,000) were achieved. The client realized its objective of entering the South European market via Italy.
Connecting Ireland to Russia
Fashion/ Ireland
The client is a niche designer and manufacturer of Irish Linen clothing. They have an established distribution across the UK, with some additional sales to other English speaking markets such as USA, South Africa and Australia.
Russia is a rapidly developing market with an appetite for quality fashion clothing and accessories, both well-known brands and those less well known such as our client. The client, in wishing to enter the Russian market, engaged Copernicus to carry out a pre-market assessment study on which to base their market entry strategy. Copernicus conducted a market analysis, an opportunity assessment, and evaluated the company’s potential best routes to market.
Introduce the client into the market in a low volume, zero credit, high-end position. In doing so define where the Russian perception of Irish products would position the company, identify what, if any, modifications needed to be made for the Russian market and establish a sales pipeline that would demonstrate an 18-month return on investment in line with agreed targets.
Access the independent retail trade associations and through them generate awareness and from there offer potential sole regional rights to the product portfolio to increase the exclusivity aspect of the range.
Copernicus worked with the company to create an Irish-Russian style of presentation that was warmly received by retailers due to the quality of the goods and the supporting point of sale material.
Within three months the client had their first customer in Moscow. By the end of 2008, the “Russian” range is handled through 14 individual retail outlets, sales are expected to exceed €100,000 and EU funding has been obtained to exhibit at Moscow fashion week.